symbol recognition

美 [ˈsɪmbl ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn]英 [ˈsɪmbl ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn]
  • 网络符号识别
symbol recognitionsymbol recognition
  1. Study on time series modeling techniques for engineering shape and symbol recognition


  2. Statistic and Structure Integrated Approach of Symbol Recognition for Engineering Drawings


  3. Research on self-learning mechanism in symbol recognition system of architecture drawings


  4. Study on the Implementation of Ground Symbol Recognition in Terrain Maps


  5. An orthogonal vectorization and symbol recognition method based on the feature segments


  6. Graphic Symbol Recognition based on Modified BP Network


  7. After decades of development , the research of mathematical formula symbol recognition has made great progress .


  8. Graphic symbol recognition of engineering drawings based on radial basis probabilistic neural networks


  9. Design of Handwritten Electronic Symbol Recognition Based on BP Neural Network graphic-art technique


  10. EDITOR 'S NOTES EDITOR FRONT LINE Symbol recognition .


  11. However , conventional point symbol recognition technologies rarely take oriented - point symbol into account .


  12. Adaptive Symbol Recognition for Sketch-Based Interfaces Based on Template Matching and SVM


  13. TV Symbol Recognition Based on Weighted Hu Invariant Moments in HSV Colour Space


  14. A Highly-Efficient Constraint-Network-Based Approach for Symbol Recognition of Engineering Drawings


  15. Symbol recognition is divided into the script and printed , the paper focuses on how to recognize printed mathematical expressions symbols .


  16. The system mainly makes preparations for the next process as the structure analysis , symbol recognition etc , which is a difficult in the whole math formula recognition .


  17. To improve the efficiency of symbolic recognition and enhance the robustness of identification methods , a symbol recognition method based on the characteristics of the centroid is presented .


  18. Shape retrieval and symbol recognition play an important role in automatic analysis of documents , including music notations , mathematical expressions , engineering drawings and historical files .


  19. Recognition of Mathematical Expressions consists of symbol recognition and structure analysis . Symbol recognition can be separated into two major stages , namely segmentation and recognition of symbol .


  20. In order to extract mathematical expressions ( MEs ) in scanned Chinese document , a ME identification method based on Chinese character recognition and ME symbol recognition is proposed .


  21. The Support Vector Machines ( SVM ) is a important application of the statistical learning theory . We apply it to the symbol recognition and it express a good performance .


  22. The main topic of this article includes the development in the field of Mathematical Expression Recognition and gives the detailed process of Mathematical Expression Recognition and methods of symbol recognition and structure analysis .


  23. Finally , based on structural features , we can extracted handwritten symbol recognition , such as hooks , rings , forks and other defined symbols .


  24. In the research on data symbol recognition , we design a two-stage multi-features classifier with threshold , which improves recognition rate , and at same time avoid adding much computing time .


  25. Typeset mathematical expression has a number of features which distinguish it from conventional text . Its two-dimension structure implies that automatic mathematical expression recognition includes both symbol recognition and structure analysis .


  26. Syntax method for graphic symbol recognition of construction structure drawings has two main drawbacks : sensitivity to noise and error , and bad generality . In this paper , two improvements are proposed .


  27. Study on Hand-Drawn Electronic Component Symbol ' Recognition Algorithms


  28. Research and simulation of symbol image recognition technique have been completed based on several supervised learning of associative neural networks and the treatment showed a good long-term effect .


  29. So calcareous interbeds may become a symbol of recognition and isochronous contrast bed sets , and shale resistivity differences may confirm the stack relation and connectivity of bed sets .


  30. Style is recognition and grasp the difference between different works as well as the symbol of recognition and grasp different schools , it was a different era , the difference between the different national art the sign .
